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Wellness Clinics

Electrocardiography (ECG) is a safe and painless procedure that detects if a heart is beating at a normal rate and strength. Each time your heart beats, an electrical signal travels through the heart. An electrocardiogram records the electrical activity in your heart through small electrode patches attached to the chest, neck and legs. ECG shows the size and position of your heart’s chambers. It also helps diagnose a heart attack, check for poor blood flow to your heart muscles and detect if there are significant electrolyte abnormalities, such as high potassium or high/low calcium.

How Do I Prepare For An ECG Procedure?
There are no special preparations required for an ECG procedure.

What To Expect During An ECG Procedure.
You will need to remove upper clothing before the electrodes are attached to your body. Once the electrodes are in place, you may be offered a hospital gown to cover yourself. The test usually lasts a few minutes. A Report will be generated which you can discuss with your doctor.

Echocardiogram (ECHO) is a painless, non-invasive procedure used to assess the heart’s function and structures. It uses sound waves to create images of your heart. These sound waves are sent to a computer that creates moving images of the heart’s walls and valves. An Echocardiogram is key in determining the health of the heart muscle. It can also reveal heart defects in unborn babies.

How Do I Prepare For An ECHO Procedure?
There are no special preparations required for an ECHO. The Technologist will ask you to remove any clothing covering your upper half (chest area) before lying down on a bed. You will be offered a hospital gown to cover yourself during the test.

What To Expect During An ECHO Procedure.
A lubricating gel will be applied to your chest or directly to the Ultrasound probe. You will be asked to lie on your left side and the probe will be moved across your chest. You may be asked to breathe or move in a certain way to improve the quality of the images. The probe is connected to a machine that will display and record the images produced. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes. The images will be analyzed and a Report will be generated which you can discuss with your doctor.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of the brain. It is typically non-invasive, with the electrodes placed along the scalp. An EEG test detects abnormalities in brain waves, or abnormalities in the electrical activity of the brain. The test uses small, metal discs with thin wires called electrodes that are attached to the scalp.

Our brain cells communicate via electrical impulses that are active all the time, even when we are asleep. The electrodes detect these tiny electrical charges that result from the activity of the brain cells. These charges are amplified and they appear as a graph on a computer screen, or as a recording that may be printed out on paper for your doctor to interpret.

An EEG might be useful in diagnosing brain disorders, especially epilepsy or another seizure disorder. The procedure might also help in diagnosing or treating brain tumors, stroke, sleep disorders, brain damage from head injury, encephalopathy (brain dysfunction that can have a variety of causes), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), memory problems, dementia.

How do I prepare for an EEG procedure?
Ensure that your hair is clean and dry before the procedure. Avoid using products like hair gel. Clean and dry hair makes it easier for the sensors to stick to the scalp.

What to expect during an EEG procedure.
Our technician will ask for your consent to carry out the test. Before the test starts, your scalp will be cleaned and about 16 to 25 small sensors (electrodes) will be attached using a sticky gel adhesive. The electrodes are connected by wires to an EEG recording machine. During the procedure, you may be instructed to do certain things while the test is in progress like closing of eyes, breathing deeply or looking at a stimuli (such as a flashing light or a picture). EEG recordings take between 20-40 minutes.

Employers routinely include Pre-employment examinations as part of their recruitment process. These examinations help the employer understand the health risks that future and existing employees might have. A pre-employment medical assessment helps to manage these risks in the workplace with the aim of avoiding illness or injury to the applicant or fellow employees. These examinations are required to cover occupational and safety hazards at workplace.

How Do I Prepare For a Pre-Employment Procedure?
There are no special preparations required for this procedure. However, you may be required to fast prior to some laboratory investigations (fasting blood sugar and fasting lipid profile).

What to expect during Pre-Employment Examinations
You may be required to undergo a comprehensive medical examination process – from your blood pressure to your vision, hearing, heart, abdomen, limbs, and spine. You will also have your urine, stool and blood samples taken. You may also be required to strip to your underclothes, so you should wear appropriate underwear.

These examinations consists of:
1. Complete medical/Physical examination.
2. Laboratory Investigations – Complete Blood Count, Random Blood Sugar, Fasting Blood sugar, Urinalysis, Stool for Ova and Cysts, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Blood Group & Rhesus Factor
3. X-RAY Chest
4. Optional Tests – Electrocardiogram (ECG), HIV, Liver Function Tests, Lipid Profile, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Kidney Function Tests.

VitalRay offers a wellness program designed to help one achieve their optimal level of balance and sense of well-being. With a focus on thorough evaluation and early detection of your specific known and unknown health issues, our goal is to give you a better picture of your overall physical wellness and provide you with a proactive plan to manage your future health. Your state of wellness is a dynamic process and changes with age and circumstance.

Understanding your current state of wellness improves your knowledge, helps you set goals and empowers you to make better choices for a healthier life. At VitalRay, we use safe, comfortable and accurate equipment and technology with no radiation exposure to screen the solid organs of your body for early signs of disease. Because tumors often grow without producing symptoms until it’s ‘too late’, our wellness program offers a unique opportunity to screen for disease in its earliest stage.